Terms and Conditions

Hero Background

Terms of Use

If you believe you are experiencing a medical emergency, please call 911.

Agreement and Terms

These Terms of Use (“Terms”) describe the rules for using Landmark Health, LLC (also “‘we,” “us,” “our,和“公司”)和关联公司(控制公司的实体), controlled by, or under common control with a named party) online and mobile websites, platforms, 服务及应用程序(“网上服务”).

我们的在线服务面向的是美国观众. If you live outside the U.S., 您可能会在在线服务上看到有关产品或疗法的内容,这些产品或疗法在您的国家/地区不可用或未获授权.

通过使用我们的在线服务,您同意这些条款和我们的 Privacy Policies. 我们可随时更改这些条款, 而该等更改将会公布于网上服务, 最后一次修订的日期作为本条款底部的“生效日期”. Any modifications will be effective immediately upon such posting. By continuing to use the Online Services, you consent to any changes to our Terms.

您使用在线服务的肯定行为, or registering for membership, 构成您对这些条款的电子签名以及您同意以电子方式进入本协议. 您可以打印并保留这些条款的副本. To print, 您将需要(i)具有网页浏览器和互联网接入的设备(例如计算机或移动电话)以及(ii)该设备上的打印机或存储空间.


信息和内容(统称为, “Content”) on the Online Services is for general educational information only. We are not a health care provider. We do not recommend any health care service, supply, or treatment for you. 你应该打电话给你的医疗保健提供者,如果你有任何问题,在任何时候,关于你的现金足球网哪个好.


The Content should not be considered financial advices, legal advice or tax advice.

你有责任保护你的用户名(e.g., (您在注册“在线服务”时提供的电子邮件地址和密码)或其他激活码, and if they are compromised, 您同意立即更改您的用户名和密码 Contact Us.


You Will Not:

  • Use our Online Services or Content in any way not expressly permitted by these Terms;
  • Copy, modify or harvest data, Content, or materials from the Online Services;
  • 删除或更改网上服务的任何版权或其他专有权利或通知;
  • 歪曲您的身份或提供任何虚假资料;
  • 干扰我们网上服务的运作;
  • Share any password with any third parties or use any third-party’s password;
  • Engage in commercial, competitive, or viral messaging, 或发送未经请求的广告, or similar communications, including harmful computer code, viruses, or malware;
  • 以任何可能的方式使用在线服务, in our sole judgment, interfere with any other party’s use or enjoyment of the Online Services, impair our networks or servers, or expose us or any third party to any claims or liability whatsoever, 或使用软件或其他方式访问, “scrape,” “crawl,” or “spider,"网上服务的任何网页或其他服务. If you are blocked from the Online Services (including by blocking your IP address), you agree not to implement any measures to circumvent such blocking;
  • Directly or indirectly authorize anyone else to take actions prohibited in this section; or
  • Attempt to reverse engineer any of the software used to provide the Online Services.

You Agree That:

  • 您将遵守所有适用的法律法规;
  • 您声明并保证您至少年满13岁, and that, if you are between 13 and the age of majority in your state and otherwise not emancipated, a parent and/or guardian agrees to these Terms on your behalf; and
  • 我们可以采取任何我们认为适当的措施, 在法律允许的情况下,由我们自行决定, to enforce these Terms.


Subject to these Terms, the Company grants you a personal, non-commercial, non-transferable, non-exclusive, revocable, 仅为获取有关我们的计划或产品及相关服务的信息而查阅我们在线服务上的内容的有限许可. All rights, title, 以及对网上服务的兴趣, including the Content, 以及所有的知识产权, including all copyright, trademark, patent, and trade secret rights will remain with the Company and our licensors and vendors. 任何所有权权益均不会因在“在线服务”上提供“内容”而转让给您或任何其他实体, 授予您使用在线服务的许可, 或您加入本协议.

我们可以在任何时间以任何理由终止本许可. If you breach any of these Terms, your license to the Online Services and its Content terminates immediately. 在本许可终止时, 您必须停止使用“网上服务”, including all Content, and return or destroy all copies, including electronic copies, 您拥有或控制的内容.

版权侵犯- DMCA通知

1998年的《现在哪个平台可以买球》(DMCA)为那些认为出现在互联网上的材料侵犯了他们在美国版权法下的权利的版权所有者提供追索权. If you believe, in good faith, that content or material on our Online Services infringes a copyright owned by you, 你方(或你方代理)可向公司发出通知,要求删除或禁止访问该材料. 有关网上服务的通知及反通知应送交下列适用地址:

Company Contact Information
Optum Attn: DMCA Registered Agent
9900 Bren Road East
Minnetonka, MN 55343

The notice must include the following information: (a) a physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed; (b) identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed; (c) identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing or the subject of infringing activity; (d) the name, address, telephone number, and email address of the complaining party; (e) a statement that the complaining party has a good-faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent or the law; and (f) a statement that the information in the notification is accurate and, under penalty of perjury, 申诉方被授权代表据称受到侵犯的专有权的所有人行事. 如果你真诚地相信版权侵权通知被错误地提交给你, DMCA允许你给我们发反通知. 通知和反通知必须符合DMCA当时的法定要求.


我们的政策是不接受或考虑未经请求的想法或要约出售知识产权. 我们要求您不要向我们或我们的员工或承包商提交任何此类想法或报价.

This policy is intended to avoid potential misunderstandings if our technology, products, 或者服务看起来类似于提交给公司的文件. 如果您仍然选择向我们提交任何内容, you agree as follows, 不论你在意见书中所作的任何陈述:

  • We owe you no compensation;
  • 我方与贵方之间不存在保密义务;
  • 您提交的内容将自动成为我们的财产, and we may use or redistribute the contents of that submission in any way for any purpose;
  • We are free to acquire, develop, and sell services and products that may be competitive to those you offer or suggest; and
  • It is your responsibility to protect your own intellectual property; you should not make a submission to us if you have concerns about intellectual property.

如果您不确定本政策的含义或向我们提交材料的法律后果, 在提交意见书之前,你应该咨询一下你的律师.


浏览我们的网上服务时, 你可以去其他在线网站的链接, mobile websites, platforms, services, 和应用程序(“网络链接”),并离开我们的在线服务. For your convenience, 我们提供指向其他在线内容或网站的网页链接,其中可能包含您可能感兴趣或有用的信息. We do not endorse, nor are responsible for, the content, accuracy or accessibility of the content of Weblinks operated by third parties. 您对您与该等第三方的交易全权负责,并应查看该等第三方的条款和隐私政策.

No Warranty

Nothing within these Terms should be meant or implied to be a warranty. 您自行承担使用“网上服务”的风险. We do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, correctness or reliability of any content available through the Online Services. Online Services are provided to you when available and are provided on an “as is” basis. 我们不保证我们的在线服务的使用将不间断或无错误, 或不含病毒或其他有害成分.

有些州不允许使用条款有 no-warranties provision, 即使这些条款不作任何保证, 如果您的州不允许这种类型的限制, 这一段不适用于你.

Limitation of Liability

You agree that we have no liability for any loss arising out of, or relating to: these Online Services; any third-party site or program accessed through the Online Services; Any acts or omissions by us or any third party; and/or your access or use of the Online Services. This limitation of liability includes any claim based on warranty, contract, tort, strict liability, or any other legal theory.

This limitation of liability does not apply if you are a New Jersey resident.  对于新泽西的居民来说, any released parties are not liable for any damages unless such damages are the result of our negligent or reckless acts or omissions; and any released parties are not, in any case, liable for indirect, incidental, special, consequential or punitive damages.

其他州也可能限制责任. 如果您的州不允许这种类型的限制, 上述一项或多项限制可能不适用于您.


You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless any released parties from any claim by third parties, including reasonable attorneys’ fees for counsel of our own choosing, arising out of or related to your breach of the Terms or any copyright infringement, misappropriation, misuse, gross negligence, intentional misconduct, or violation of applicable law relating to your use of the Online Services or Content. You may not transfer or assign any rights or obligations under this Agreement. In any litigation, you will cooperate with us in asserting any available defenses.

Export Controls

You may not use, export, re-export, import, sell, transfer, 或代理我们的在线服务或内容,除非此类活动是这些条款允许的,并且此类活动不受美国法律禁止, the laws of the jurisdiction in which you receive our Online Services, 或任何其他适用的法律法规. In particular, but without limitation, 网上服务及/或内容不得输出, 再出口或以任何方式提供(a)到任何美国.S. 禁运国家或(b)美国境内的任何人.S. Treasury Department’s list of Specially Designated Nationals or the U.S. 商务部拒绝人员名单或实体名单.

By using our Online Services, 您声明并保证您和我们在线服务的任何最终受益人不在任何该等国家或任何该等名单上. You also agree that you will not use our Online Service for any purposes prohibited by U.S. law, including, without limitation, the development, design, manufacture or production of nuclear missiles or chemical or biological weapons.


您同意明尼苏达州法律管辖这些条款以及您可能对我们提出的任何索赔或争议, 您同意明尼苏达州州法院和联邦法院对涉及本公司或其员工的任何争议的管辖权和审理地点, officers, directors, agents and providers.

除非你是新泽西的居民, you must initiate any cause of action within one year after the claim has arisen, 否则你将被禁止提起任何诉讼. 《现金足球网哪个好》不适用于本条款.


We may cancel, suspend or block your use of the Online Services and/or registration at any time, 无理由及/或无须通知. 您同意,如果您根据本条款终止使用在线服务,我们将不对您或任何其他方承担责任.


如果这些条款的任何规定被有管辖权的仲裁员或法院认定为不可执行或无效, 本条款的其余部分将在没有不可执行或无效条款的情况下确定. 所有其他条款仍然完全有效.


These Terms, and any supplemental terms, policies, 在网上服务发布的规则和指导方针, 构成您与我们之间就“网上服务”达成的完整协议,并取代以往所有书面或口头协议. 你承认我们有寻求的权利, at your expense, 制止或防止违反你的义务的禁令. No waiver by us will have effect unless such waiver is set forth in writing and signed by us; nor will any such waiver of any breach or default constitute a waiver of any subsequent breach or default.

Mobile Devices and Applications

以下附加条款适用于您访问或使用与在线服务相关的任何移动应用程序(以及与之相关的所有信息和软件), the “Application” or “Applications”) through any mobile device (such as tablets, mobile phones, etc.),并为上文所定义的“附加条款”.

Rights Granted to You. We grant you a limited, non-exclusive, revocable, 不可转让的下载许可, 安装和使用应用程序仅供您个人使用, 在您拥有或控制的移动或平板设备上,仅根据本条款进行非商业用途. Other than the limited rights granted in the immediately preceding sentence, 你没有其他权利. This is only a license, and not a sale of, the Applications to you.

附加限制和通知. 你同意你不会搬走, disable, circumvent or otherwise create or implement any workaround to any copy protection, rights management, 或保护应用程序的安全功能. 您承认我们可能会发布应用程序的升级版本,并可能会自动升级您正在使用的应用程序. 您同意此类自动升级,并同意本条款适用于所有此类升级. Our Applications or the Online Services may include third-party code and other software, which is governed by the applicable open source or third-party end user license agreement, if any, 授权使用这种代码.

Third-Party Terms. 您同意遵守所有适用条款, 您与提供产品或服务的任何第三方之间的条件和协议,以方便或使您能够使用任何应用程序, 您承认并同意,您使用任何应用程序可能会导致这些第三方就其向您提供的产品和服务向您收取费用(例如数据计划费用)。, 您将全权负责任何此类费用.

Termination of Your Rights. 您在本协议项下的权利被终止时, for any reason, 您应立即卸载或删除应用程序,并停止进一步使用该等应用程序.

国际使用/出口管制特别通告. 在提供在线服务和传输适用数据时可用的应用程序或在线服务基础的任何技术或软件(统称为, the “Software”), if any, 受美国出口管制. 任何软件均不得从应用程序或在线服务中下载,或以其他方式出口或再出口.S. export laws. 下载或使用本软件的风险由您自行承担. 认识到互联网的全球性, 您同意遵守有关您使用应用程序和/或在线服务的所有当地规则和法律, 包括在线行为和可接受的内容.

Apple iOS App. If the Online Services that you use include an Application that you download, access and/or use and that runs on Apple’s iOS operating system (an “iOS App”), you acknowledge and agree that:

  • iOS应用程序只能在您拥有或控制的设备上访问和使用,并使用Apple的iOS操作系统;
  • 这些条款是你和我们之间的协议,而不是苹果之间的协议;
  • 苹果没有义务提供任何与iOS应用程序相关的支持或维护服务, and if you have any maintenance or support questions in relation to the iOS App, please contact Company, not Apple;
  • 除非本条款另有明确规定, 与拥有或使用iOS应用程序有关的任何索赔是您与我们之间的(而不是您之间的), or anyone else, and Apple);
  • 如果第三方声称您拥有或使用(根据这些条款)iOS应用程序侵犯了任何知识产权, Apple will not be responsible or liable to you in relation to that claim; and
  • Although these Terms are entered into between you and Company (and not Apple), Apple, 作为本条款下的第三方受益人, 将有权对你强制执行这些条款.
  • 此外,您声明并保证:
    • You are not, and will not be, 位于受美国政府禁运或被美国政府指定为“支持恐怖主义”国家的任何国家;
    • You are not listed on any United States Government list of prohibited or restricted parties; and
    • 如果iOS应用程序不符合适用于它的任何保证, you may notify Apple, which will then refund the purchase price of the iOS App (if any) to you. Subject to that, 在法律允许的最大范围内, 苹果不提供或参与任何保修, 条件或与iOS应用程序相关的其他条款,并且不会对您的任何索赔负责, losses, 与iOS应用程序相关的任何性质的成本或费用,或因您或任何其他人使用iOS应用程序或依赖其任何内容而产生的成本或费用.

Google App. If the Online Services that you use includes an Application that you download, access, 和/或从Google Play商店(“Google来源的软件”)使用:(i)您承认这些条款仅在您和我们之间存在, and not with Google, Inc. (“Google”); (ii) your use of Google-Sourced Software must comply with Google’s then-current Google Play Store Terms of Service; (iii) Google is only a provider of the Google Play Store where you obtained the Google-Sourced Software; (iv) we, and not Google, are solely responsible for our Google-Sourced Software; (v) Google has no obligation or liability to you with respect to Google-Sourced Software or the Terms; and (vi) you acknowledge and agree that Google is a third-party beneficiary to the Terms as it relates to our Google-Sourced Software.

Survival and Assignment

Your obligations under the following sections survive termination of this Agreement: Agreement and Terms; 关于数字财产内容的重要说明; License to Use the Online Services and Content Ownership; 使用网上服务的限制 版权侵犯- DMCA通知; 非应邀创意提交政策; No Warranty; Limitation of Liability; Indemnification; Export Controls; 适用法律和诉讼时效; Termination; Severability; Miscellaneous; and Mobile Devices and Applications. You may not transfer or assign any rights or obligations under this Agreement. The Company may transfer or assign its rights and obligations under this Agreement.

Contact Us

如果您对这些条款有任何疑问,请与我们联系 marketing@205dn.com

Effective Date: June 30, 2022